在21世纪经济全球化和社会信息化进程中,能够取得优势发展地位的国家往往拥有更加丰厚的人力资本。可以说,国家对于发展人力资本的有效投资特别是教育支出已经成为经济增长的主要源泉之一。正是由于高质量的教育对于帮助人们摆脱贫困、确保家庭成员健康、丰富日常生活[1]、释放就业机会、增加安全保障、创造稳定与和平的社会发展环境至关重要,因此教育的发展程度成为各个国家实现2030年可持续发展目标的关键。然而,世界各国发展的不均衡导致国际社会在发展进程中始终存在债务负担、经济衰退、环境退化[2]、流行疾病等问题,这促使国际资助全球教育机会委员会(The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity,简称ICFGEO)等国际机构在可持续发展教育领域不断推行国际教育援助计划,并借助国际教育融资改革为落实21世纪世界教育历史发展进程中最大规模的教育扩张行动筹集充足的教育经费。
The Internal Driving Force of Global Partnership in the 21st Century and the Practical Innovation of International Education Financing Reform: Based on the Analysis of the ICFGEO
摘要: 为了应对21世纪以来由教育机会引发的全球学习危机与人力资本短缺问题,国际资助全球教育机会委员会发起了国际教育融资改革,核心是为国际教育援助提供充足且稳定的援助资金。国际教育融资改革的实践目标包括从关注贫困国家拓展至帮助贫困儿童个体、优化国际教育融资机制、最大限度提升捐助资金额度;改革实践原则包括坚持融资效率原则、融资规模原则、融资可负担原则和融资成果可持续原则;改革实践措施包括建立国际教育融资平台、完善多边开发银行教育融资服务、优化国际教育融资主体、实现教育融资的成果导向。此次改革为国际教育援助的实施提供了资金保障和制度支持,也为各国实现全球教育2030年议程的目标奠定了基础。
- 国际资助全球教育机会委员会 /
- 全球伙伴关系 /
- 国际教育融资 /
- 国际教育援助 /
- 人力资本
Abstract: In order to cope with the global learning crisis and human capital shortage caused by educational opportunities in the 21st century, the ICFGEO launched the reform of international education financing, the core of which is to provide sufficient and stable aid funds for international education assistance. The objectives of international education financing reform include expanding from focusing on the poor countries to helping the poor children, optimizing the international education financing mechanism, and maximizing the amount of donation funds; the reform principles include adhering to the principles of financing efficiency, financing scale, financing affordability and the sustainability of financing results; the main measures include establishing an international education financing platform, improving the education financing services of multilateral development banks, optimizing the main structure of international education financing, and realizing the achievement orientation of education financing. This reform provides financial guarantee and institutional support for the implementation of international education assistance, also lays the foundation for countries to achieve the goal of global education 2030 agenda.-
Key words:
- Global Partnership /
- International Education Financing /
- Practical Innovation /
- .
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