Research on the Mechanism of Professional Capital Accumulation and Professional Growth Promotion of Rural Teachers
Abstract:On-the-job learning of rural teachers is of great significance in breaking the slow professional growth of rural teachers and improving the overall quality of the teaching staff. Using situational interviews to collect relevant data and conduct case studies, this study aims to explore the issue of professional capital accumulation in the in-service learning process of rural teachers and explore effective ways for their professional growth. From the perspective of professional capital accumulation, research has found that: on the one hand, rural teachers face three dilemmas in the process of in-service learning, namely the structural lack of social capital in rural teacher groups, the internal and external difficulties of individual human capital and decision-making capital accumulation, and the lack of the ability to reproduce professional capital in their communities of practice. On the other hand, the opportunity for rural teachers to achieve rapid accumulation of professional capital during their in-service learning process lies in whether they can gain recognition from the community. Therefore, building a mechanism for accumulating teacher professional capital and promoting professional growth requires stimulating internal motivation while also leveraging external incentives. From the perspective of external system, the construction of the teaching staff and the incentive mechanism for teacher professional growth are the institutional guarantees for social capital flow and the external driving force for human capital to play a role. From the perspective of internal system, social capital provides opportunities for the accumulation of human capital, supplements decision-making capital. Human capital and decision-making capital mutually constrain and promote each other, which is the foundation of social capital circulation and provides necessary guarantees for the "quality" improvement of social capital. In addition, it is an effective way to promote the professional growth of rural teachers to establish a rural teacher learning community composed of outstanding teachers, backbone teachers, and novice teachers, and to guide the flow and growth of various elements of rural teachers' professional capital.
表 1 受访者基本信息
编号 性别 教龄 学历 所学专业 所教科目 留任后是否有流动 备注 T1 女 10 专科 汉语言文学(师范) 小学语文、小学数学 有 获市级“教学能手”称号 T2 女 6 本科 教育技术学(非师范) 小学数学 有 T3 女 3 本科 数学与应用数学(师范) 小学数学 无 T4 女 5 本科 数学与应用数学(师范) 小学数学 无 T5 女 3 本科 物理(师范) 小学数学、初中物理 有 曾同时兼数学、物理教师 T6 女 4 硕士 课程与教学论(化学) 小学英语、初中数学 有 获县级课堂教学大赛一等奖 T7 女 3 本科 化学工程与工艺(非师范) 初中数学 无 T8 女 4 本科 计算机(非师范) 初中数学 有 T9 男 8 本科 数学与应用数学(师范) 初中数学 有 主持县、市级研究课题各一项 T10 男 3 本科 物理(师范) 小学数学、初中数学 有 -
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